How to Center Texts in SVG?

After exploring, I found two solutions.

How to Center Texts in SVG?

I wanted to render a text at the center of a <rect> element in SVG. After exploring, I found two solutions; one is configuring attributes of the text element, and the other one is embedding an HTML tag inside the body of an SVG tag.

The text element is starting from the left edge.

Solution #1. Configure attributes of the text tag

TypeScript snippet is available here.

You can center the text by setting the attributes of the text tag like below.

<!-- Given that the outer rect starts from (0, -50)
	and its width and height are both 100
<text x="50" y="0" dominant-baseline="middle" text-anchor="middle">Foreman</text>

See also

Solution #2. Embed an HTML element inside SVG

You can embed HTML elements using a <foreignObject> tag. I used <div> tags with some flex box attributes  to center the texts inside the <foreignObject> tag. Please check the Gist for detail.

Snippets are available on Gist.