LeetCode Drawing - Day 3
395. Longest Substring with At Least K Repeating Characters
Take aways
- Devise a way to calculate the character frequency in
s[i, j]
- Use prefixSum arrays for each character in the alphabet
- Good: Defined predicate functions for readability
- Good: Described what
freqSum(prefixSum, i, j)
means as comment - Good: Stop digging into impossible substrings
- Should have done: ensure to update
at the end of each while loop
alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
def freqSum(prefixSum, i, j):
# Returns freqSum of string s[i:j]
# Ex
# 012345
# "aaabba"
# p[0] = {}
# p[1] = {a:1}
# p[4] = {a:3,b:1}
# freqSum(p, 1, 4) = {a:2, b:1}
ans = {}
for alphabetChar in alphabet:
if i < j:
ans[alphabetChar] = prefixSum[alphabetChar][j] - prefixSum[alphabetChar][i]
ans[alphabetChar] = 0
return ans
def isPossible(freqsum, k):
for alphabetChar in alphabet:
if freqsum[alphabetChar] >= k:
return True
return False
def isValid(freqsum, k):
for alphabetChar in alphabet:
if 0 < freqsum[alphabetChar] and freqsum[alphabetChar] < k:
return False
return True
class Solution:
def longestSubstring(self, s: str, k: int) -> int:
# O(n^2) Solution
# prefixSum['a'][i] = m ... freq of a in s[0:i]
# Note: prefixSum['a'][0] = 0 ... same for 'a'..'z'
prefixSum = {}
for alphabetChar in alphabet:
prefixSum[alphabetChar] = [0]
for c in s:
for alphabetChar in alphabet:
prevValue = prefixSum[alphabetChar][-1]
newValue = prevValue + 1 if c == alphabetChar else prevValue
maxLen = 0
for i in range(len(s)):
j = len(s)
freqsum = freqSum(prefixSum, i, j)
while isPossible(freqsum, k):
if isValid(freqsum, k):
maxLen = max(maxLen, j-i)
j -= 1
freqsum = freqSum(prefixSum, i, j)
return maxLen
Update: O(N) solution
Found the O(N) solution in the discussion and I implemented the stategy in Python 3.
from collections import defaultdict
from enum import Enum
class SubstringState(Enum):
InsufficientlyUnique = 1
ExcessivelyUnique = 2
SomeCharLessThanK = 3
AllAtLeastK = 4
def getSubstringState(freqDict: defaultdict, k: int, m: int) -> SubstringState:
kinds = 0
allAtLeastK = True
for v in freqDict.values():
if v > 0:
kinds += 1
if v < k:
allAtLeastK = False
if kinds < m:
return SubstringState.InsufficientlyUnique
elif kinds > m:
return SubstringState.ExcessivelyUnique
elif allAtLeastK:
return SubstringState.AllAtLeastK
return SubstringState.SomeCharLessThanK
class Solution:
def longestSubstring(self, s: str, k: int) -> int:
# Strategy
# Use the sliding window technique to solve the problem in O(N).
# However, we cannot apply it to the original problem naively
# because we will not know when to move the left edge.
# So, we will lower the degree of freedom of the problem to know when
# to move the left edge of the window.
# This way, we can apply the sliding window technique to the constrained problem
# and solve the original problem in O(N).
# More specifically, our easier problem statement is:
# What is the length of the longest substring of s
# which consists of m unique chars and all of them appear at least k times?
uniqueSet = set(s)
maxLen = 0
for m in range(1, len(uniqueSet)+1):
# Check for such strings with m unique characters
left = 0
right = 0
freqDict = defaultdict(int)
while right <= len(s):
# Check if s[left:right] satisfies the condition
# Note that freqDict is synced up with s[left:right]
# at the beginning of this loop
state = getSubstringState(freqDict, k, m)
if state == SubstringState.InsufficientlyUnique:
# Push the right edge to get more chars in the substring
if right < len(s):
addingChar = s[right]
freqDict[addingChar] += 1
right += 1
elif state == SubstringState.ExcessivelyUnique:
# Push the left edge to reduce chars in the substring
removingChar = s[left]
freqDict[removingChar] -= 1
left += 1
elif state == SubstringState.AllAtLeastK:
# Update the max and push the right edge to get more chars in the substring
maxLen = max(maxLen, right-left)
if right < len(s):
addingChar = s[right]
freqDict[addingChar] += 1
right += 1
# state is SubstringState.SomeCharLessThanK
# Push the right edge to get more chars in the substring
if right < len(s):
addingChar = s[right]
freqDict[addingChar] += 1
right += 1
return maxLen